TxDOT’s Interactive Impaired Dodgeball Game Stops in College Station on 12/9
In an effort to save lives this holiday season, TxDOT is launching the “Plan While You Can” campaign to urge drivers to plan ahead for a sober ride home from holiday festivities. The campaign features an interactive dodgeball game to show how alcohol can slow a driver’s reaction times.
As a combined result of the “Plan While You Can” campaign and the efforts of many state and local community partners, including law enforcement, Texas experienced a 9-percent decrease in alcohol-related traffic fatalities during last year’s holiday season (Dec. 1, 2015 – Jan. 1, 2016), compared to the previous holiday season.
Still, during last year’s holiday season, there were 2,374 alcohol-related traffic crashes in Texas, resulting in 102 fatalities and 205 serious injuries. In College Station, there were 15 alcohol-related traffic crashes during last year’s holiday season.
The “Plan While You Can” interactive dodgeball experience will be on site to demonstrate how drinking can impair a driver’s reflexes.
WHEN: 8 p.m. – 1 a.m. Friday, Dec. 9
WHERE: Northgate Entertainment District
Diane Carlile says
How do I get this program for my campus??
Diane Carlile
Dir. of Student Activities
Cisco College
101 College Heights
Cisco, Texas 76437