Getting the U in the Driver Seat program started at your school is simple and we are here to help you every step of the way.
Step 1) Pick the team:
Pick your U in the Driver Seat team. The team can be an existing school group, such as peer health educators or resident hall assistants, or form a new group! Anyone can be a part of U in the Driver Seat and it’s a great community service project.
Step 2) Order your FREE Educational Toolkit
- By filling out the order form, your school will officially be activated. While we put together your toolkit and ship you the items begin planning how you’ll spread the safe driving message.
Step 3) Spread the word:
- Plan activities to help spread safe driving messages.
- Give out the provided educational items to remind students about safe driving, contact your regional rep to bring the VR headset, and hang up posters around campus to reach as many students as possible.
- Stay connected with us through Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram (@UDriverSeat) and here online to share activity ideas and get information.
- WIN CASH FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION! Learn about the UDS All-Star Rewards>
Step 4) Keep the program going:
- Plan activities for the entire school year and even during the summer, during orientation, and other school events.
- Hold regular team meetings to stay on track and look for new activity opportunities.
- Plan to attend the annual Youth Transportation Safety Summit.
- At the end of the school year, recruit new leaders and plan a date to get together for the next year.
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