With campuses across the globe moving to online learning models due to the Coronavirus known as Covid-19, students are having to adjust not only to the obstacles of e-learning, but also adhering to stay-at-home social distancing mandates. This can mean either living out the rest of the semester in the dorms or having to move back home with family early, or at all, as some schools have closed completely.
While online learning and going to school while living at home are not new concepts to some, combining the two is proving to be an interesting adjustment for others. Students are now dealing with completing the remainder of their coursework remotely while sharing resources like computers, tablets, and bandwidth, which might be something they didn’t need to worry about before. This is also a time of uncertainty and anxiety that can leave people feeling distracted and unmotivated. Here are some helpful tips that can help you stay more positive and proactive while also trying not to rip your hair out:
- Keep with a routine: Now that schedules might not mean as much, it’s important to still keep to a routine so as to not to fall into bad habits or indulge too much in negative thoughts. One way of doing this is to maintain a daily schedule to keep you on track with tasks for school and household chores.
- Get fresh air: Even though we need to stay at home, that doesn’t mean you have to be completely cooped up. Try going for nice walks or bike rides in your neighborhood or on nearby nature trails.
- Meditate: Meditation is a nice way of keeping a calm mind especially right now. There are different apps or videos you can follow that lead you through quick meditation practices. Yoga is also a good method of active meditation that can keep your mind clear while also giving you a chance to exercise.
- Keep a journal: If you happen to be very isolated, keeping a journal can be a good way of releasing some of your thoughts.
- Keep in touch with friends through social media: The beauty of social media has allowed us to keep in contact with our close friends, but at a healthy distance. You can message or call your friends, and you can also use social media apps to reach out as well.
The important thing to remember is that though we are all isolated, you are not alone in either your feelings or your experiences. This blog will feature stories from you on how you are adjusting to being back at home and staying isolated all while trying to stay on top of school assignments and commitments. So, whether you’ve moved back home or are staying at your school’s dorms, share your experiences with us, and let us know how you’re doing!
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